Toilet cleaning: remove black from the bottom of the toilet with grandma’s trick!

Toilet cleaning: remove black from the bottom of the toilet with grandma’s trick!

One of the home environments most likely to accumulate bacteria and germs is undoubtedly the  bathroom .

Precisely for this reason, keeping it clean is very important since it is possible, in this way, to prevent  germs and bacteria from spreading .

Therefore, the bathroom should always appear clean, bright and fragrant, in fact, above all,  the toilet should not be neglected at all .

To clean the bathroom and toilet in the best possible way, there are several cleaning products available on the market. However, these chemicals, when used daily, can harm our health and the environment. Furthermore, its use does not always guarantee a “long life” for the toilet.

Precisely for these reasons, on this page it is possible to discover  how to keep the toilet sanitized and clean  using an  effective trick  that comes to us directly thanks to grandmothers.

How to get rid of black from the bottom of the toilet

At this point, it is clear that the less you use chemicals, the better.

In fact, with  home and natural remedies  it is possible to make beautiful mixtures to clean the bathroom.

Specifically, below you can discover how it is possible to eliminate, with natural ingredients, the  black from the bottom of the toilet.

The basic ingredients to use are  lemon ,  vinegar  and  baking soda . These 3 elements are perfect for disinfecting the parts where bacteria lurk.

In fact, with  baking soda ,  lemon  and even  hydrogen peroxide  it is possible to make a mixture capable of removing  black from the bottom of the toilet . Mix  30 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide ,  100 grams of baking soda  and  lemon juice  in a  little water . Then stir until you get a little foam. Simply let the result sit in the toilet for  20 minutes  and then flush.

To use baking soda and vinegar, you need to mix  30 milliliters of white vinegar with 3 tablespoons of baking soda . Then moisten a sponge with the foamy mixture you just made and rub it well on the ceramic. It is important to let the product sit on the ceramic  for a few minutes  and then rinse. This mixture will be perfect for  removing yellow halo and lime from the toilet .

Toilet cleaning: this is how to remove limescale

Limescale  can also form in the toilet. To descale it in the best possible way, you need the following ingredients:

  • 200 grams of coarse salt
  • 300 ml of vinegar
  • 200 grams of baking soda

Before mixing the ingredients, you must be careful  not to exceed the doses . This is because once combined, they will produce a lot of foam, and this could create bubbles in the soil.

To remove limescale, pour  coarse salt at the bottom of the toilet  and then  pour baking soda . Then let everything rest for no less than  a whole night  depending on the scale to be removed. The next morning you have to  heat the vinegar  in the microwave or in a saucepan and  pour it hot into the toilet .

This way, a lot of foam will rise to the surface. Then you just have to flush the toilet to admire the clear difference.

All that’s left to do is get to work and say goodbye to chemicals.

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