This is why it is important to pour vinegar into the washing machine once a month

This is why it is important to pour vinegar into the washing machine once a month
It may be known by some and unknown by others and yet it can provide more than one service in many respects: it is vinegar and more particularly white vinegar. This natural product has become a maintenance essential by being formidable for cleaning everything. Among its countless virtues, there is that of cleaning linen. And while it might seem strange to add it to the washing ritual, it turns out it produces great results. Here are the reasons…
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White vinegar, a common household item, is a powerhouse in laundry care. Surprising to some, this natural and versatile product is a game-changer when it comes to maintaining and refreshing your clothes. Here’s why incorporating white vinegar into your monthly washing routine can make a significant difference:
Color Preservation
Before washing new dark-colored bed linens, soak them in cold water mixed with white vinegar overnight. This helps lock in the colors, ensuring they remain vibrant for longer. Rinse and wash with detergent to eliminate any vinegar scent.
Natural Fabric Softener
White vinegar acts as a natural descaler, combating limescale in water that can stiffen fabrics. Adding 250 ml of vinegar to the rinse cycle softens laundry without affecting absorbency, unlike commercial fabric softeners. It’s especially beneficial for towels.
Brightening Whites

Over time, white garments can turn dull due to detergent residues or dirt in water. Regularly adding 250-350 ml of white vinegar to your wash cycle can revive the brightness of your whites. For more significant results, soak older clothes in a solution of 500 ml vinegar and 1.5 liters of water overnight before washing.

Stain Removal

Vinegar is effective in removing yellow stains and soap residue. Soak affected garments in a mixture of 1.5 liters of water and 500 ml of vinegar for 30 minutes or overnight for stubborn stains. For localized stains, apply vinegar directly and blot before washing.

Deodorizing and Disinfecting

Vinegar eliminates odors and can disinfect laundry, making it ideal for sportswear, long-stored linens, and kitchen towels. Add 250-500 ml of vinegar to your wash to refresh and sanitize your clothes, leveraging its disinfectant properties to eliminate bacteria.

In summary, white vinegar is a cost-effective, eco-friendly addition to your laundry routine, enhancing the quality and longevity of your clothes while providing a natural alternative to chemical-based products.

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