“The ‘Wolf Girl’ once gained worldwide fame for her entire body being covered in hair, surprising everyone with her current appearance and happy life with her boyfriend.

Not only did she overcome her self-esteem issues with strength, but the ‘Wolf Girl’ from years past also amazed the world by openly sharing happy images with her boyfriend.

Supatra Sasuphan, born in 1999 in the capital city of Bangkok, Thailand, became widely known after being awarded the title of the hairiest girl in the world by the Guinness World Records organization in 2010.

This unusual feature of the Thai girl is attributed to her rare congenital condition known as Ambras syndrome, which causes excessive hair growth all over the body except for the palms, soles of the feet, and mucous membranes. Only about 50 cases have been recorded worldwide.

Supatra was born with a face covered in hair.

Supatra’s mother occasionally had to trim her daughter’s hair because it grew rapidly.

Due to her distinctive appearance, Supatra Sasuphan faced many challenges in integrating with those around her. Many people looked at her with judgmental eyes. School friends, at times, distanced themselves, discriminated against her, and referred to her as ‘Wolf Girl’ or ‘monkey face,’ which made Supatra very self-conscious.

However, with the loving care of her family and her optimistic outlook on life, Supatra has astounded many with her extraordinary determination and current life. Supatra, now 21 years old, is a student at Tangtrongchit Commercial University in Bangkok.

Her romantic life has also attracted significant attention. On her personal social media page, the young woman made many people happy by openly sharing intimate photos with her boyfriend. Every month, Supatra regularly posts images of the two of them to commemorate the start of their relationship. Her boyfriend, also from Thailand, shows his love and affection for her by regularly sharing sweet words for her on social media.

Her current boyfriend is the second person she has dated.

In 2018, she once shared her happiness with another young man. At that time, she wrote to her lover, ‘You are not only my first love but also the love of my life.’ Particularly, during their first relationship, the young girl decided to shave off all her facial hair to gain confidence when appearing beside her boyfriend. Now, Supatra is completely comfortable showing her natural face when going out, attending school, or going on dates with her boyfriend.”

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