Pregnant Stray Cat Begs a Family to Help Her in Her Hour of Need

This is the story of a pregnant cat who did something amazing. She didn’t want to bring her kitties into the world without a bit of assistance, and so , he asked one lucky family for help.

Joanne shared this story with Amy at Love Meow:

“Over a year ago, this beautiful blue eyed Siamese lynx cross constantly came by my house. We started feeding her on a routine basis. Every morning she would wait for us in front of our garage and she would literally run half way down the back lane next to our car as we drove home.

This was first taken when she started coming around. She was really skinny.

She would wait for hours while we were at work or out doing errands. One day she thanked us by waiting for us in front of our garage with a dead mouse. Once she saw us, she dropped the mouse and she had this proud look on her face when we graciously accepted her gift.

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