One Grandmother’s Dying Wish: To See Her Best Friend One More Time

There is nothing sadder than having to leave the people and the pets we leave behind.

Cats become members of our family, sometimes even our best friends and our faithful longtime companions.

This is the story of an elderly woman’s last request from her deathbed. According to her grandson, her last request was to be able to see and hold her fur-baby, Oliver the cat, just one more time.

At the time, she was in a nursing facility and of course, special permission was needed in order for this poor woman to be granted her dying wish.

The nursing home did in fact give their permission for the cat to be brought to her bedside so that they could say their goodbyes. Clearly from looking at the photos below, the cat was sad. Clearly, the cat knew there was something wrong and didn’t want to stop cuddling.

“And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” These photos say it all!

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