My Stepdad Gave Me Up When I Was a Teen — Now He’s Begging for My Help

Sometimes in this life, one decision can shape our entire future. After Erin’s mother passed away, her beloved stepfather, feeling unable to raise her alone, chose to give her up to her paternal grandmother. However, Erin found herself unhappy in this new arrangement and resented him for his decision throughout her life. Now, years later, the stepfather is back and in need of her support. Erin is feeling lost and confused, and she took to the social media to seek for advice.

This is what Erin shared

My mom passed away when I was 14. My stepdad, who had raised me as his own child since I was three, broke down in tears and said that he couldn’t care for a teenage girl all by himself, so he gave me up.

I categorically refused to speak to him ever since. I was raised by my paternal grandmother, who was my only remaining blood relative. She was very strict, grim, and didn’t show much affection towards me.

Seventeen years later, my stepfather knocked on my door. He’s sick, lonely, and begging me to help him with money for his treatments.
I refused to forgive him because I still cannot forget how he didn’t want to raise me.

He cried and revealed, “Your mom made me promise her that I would make sure you have the best life after she dies. I knew I couldn’t do that for you. So I decided that your grandmother should raise you because she was more financially capable than me.”

I am not sure if I should forgive him. My grandmother surely had more money, but she lacked affection, and I still think I would have been better off living with him in the house where I have my mother’s memories.

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