Mom Adopts Cat For Paralyzed Dog, Becomes Pup’s Soul Medicine

This dog and her mom are fighting all odds like brave hearts to accomplish something that seems impossible to many. Charlot was paralyzed at a very young age and was suggested to be euthanized. But her mom wasn’t going to let her girl without putting up a fight. Now the two are making steady progress every day.

The age-old belief that cats and dogs can’t get along is a total misconception! As pet parents, we know better. Animals are amazing creatures with sympathetic hearts and pure souls. When a dog named Charlot was paralyzed after suffering from canine distemper, her spirits were in the dumps. But soon, a kitty hero entered her life and changed everything!

Olaf, a rescue cat, was adopted by Charlot’s mom when her paralyzed pup exhibited signs of depression caused by isolation. Charlot watched as able-bodied dogs played and bonded, feeling like an outsider. To lift the dog’s spirits, her mom found a solution– that is when Olaf entered Charlot’s life.

The empathetic kitten sensed Charlot’s pain, both inside and out, and did all he could to comfort her. He snuggled up against her precious body to soothe every ache and pain. Charlot finally had a sibling that understood her challenges and didn’t mind lying in bed with her. Olaf was Charlot’s soul medicine!

To meet the pair and see how far Charlot has come because of her kitty brother, check out the video below! Everyone needs a cat to make the boo-boos better!

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