Lemon peels in oil: an ancient preparation

Culinary history has left us traditions that remain alive through generations. One of those gems is the infusion of lemon peels in oil, an ancient method that combines flavor and well-being.

Below, we introduce you to this tradition and show you how to make it at home.

Benefits of lemon peels in oil

Lemon, with its refreshing citrus flavor , hides in its skin a wealth of properties that are enhanced when mixed with oil:

  • Vitality and energy: Ideal to start the day with encouragement, its combination revitalizes and strengthens the immune system.
  • Mood improvement: The citrus aroma of lemon works as a natural antidepressant, relieving states of stress and anxiety.
  • Antioxidant: Lemon peels are rich in antioxidants that protect against cell damage.
  • Skin care: Its application can provide luminosity and freshness to the skin.

How to make your own oleolith from lemon peels

  • Lemon peels: 100 grams (preferably organic)
  • Olive oil: 100 ml
  1. Wash and dry the lemons. With a grater, extract only the colored part of the peel, avoiding the white part.
  2. Place the peels in a clean jar and cover with the olive oil.
  3. Store in a cool, dark place for two weeks, shaking occasionally.
  4. Then, strain the oil using a fine strainer. Store the resulting oil in a clean container.

Uses of lemon peel oleolith

  • Massages: Ideal to revitalize the skin.
  • Aromatherapy: Its refreshing aroma can improve the environment.
  • Facial care: Perfect for natural facial care.
  • Baths: Add to water for a relaxing bath.

Before incorporating any natural remedy, it is important to perform a skin test. In case of any reaction or doubt, it is always advisable to consult with a health professional.

This recipe, in addition to its benefits, is a trip to the past, a reunion with traditions that connect us with previous generations. Dare to rediscover it!



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