I’m Frightened to Be in the Same Room With My Husband Because of His Pranks

When you get married, trust, respect, and support are essential for building a strong bond. However, sometimes these elements may be lacking, which can result in instability and tension. Such issues can come from insecurities, power struggles, or mental health challenges. Recently, our reader sent our editorial team a heartfelt letter, seeking guidance about her husband’s troubling behavior.

Here’s her story 

I’m a 35-year-old woman, and my wonderful husband, who’s 40, and I have generally had a good relationship with few issues. He’s been an amazing partner, always doing thoughtful things to show he cares about me, and I reciprocate those gestures. Lately, though, his behavior has changed in a way that I barely recognize. I’ve noticed a series of troubling behaviors from him that I can no longer overlook.

For instance, I discovered on Facebook that one of our former classmates was in a serious car ac:cid:ent. When I mentioned it to him, he just shrugged and said he didn’t really know her well, so it didn’t matter. While it’s understandable that he might not feel deeply for someone he wasn’t close to, his unexpected insensitivity, given the severity of her injuries, was sh:oc:king to me.

Another incident occurred last Halloween. I came home exhausted and stressed from a difficult day at work. Instead of offering comfort or trying to understand what was bothering me, he decided to scare me with a prank. I ended up crying and having a breakdown, feeling completely overwhelmed. He just laughed and went back to watching TV as if nothing happened.

Last year, my mom pa:s:sed away. We were very close, and I keep her favorite bracelet on a table surrounded by photos of her. One day, the bracelet vanished. When I asked my husband about it, he bluntly replied, ‘I sold it. An hour later, the bracelet mysteriously reappeared. When I confronted him, he looked me dead in the eye and said it was a prank, adding, ‘You should have seen your face!

I love him, but this change in his behavior is alarming and unacceptable. I’m not sure how to address this issue. Should I seek help from a therapist? I’m struggling with how to approach him about these concerns.

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