Couple Grieving Loss of Cat Go to Shelter, Leave With ‘Feral’ Kitten

After losing her beloved cat in 2023, a woman didn’t think she’d be able to get another pet anytime soon. That was until she met Jax, a stray kitten with a broken tail who was about to be released onto the streets, and she knew it was meant to be.

Lacy Fortier, 46, was still mourning the loss of her previous cat, Hugo, who died several months ago. The idea of getting another cat seemed unthinkable, but when she saw a picture of an “angry-looking kitty” at a nearby shelter in Orange County, California, she knew she had to meet him.

Fortier told Newsweek that Jax didn’t make the best first impression at the shelter, as he had to be carried in by the scruff of his neck, “growling and scared.” Staffers warned Fortier that he had a very bad temperament and that if he wasn’t adopted that week in April, he would be released back onto the streets.

It was a now or never decision, but Fortier couldn’t bear the thought of this tiny kitten fending for himself on the street.

“The staff warned us that he was a feral kitten with a broken tail and his ear was clipped, [marking] him as a stray,” Fortier said.

“They let us know they had to remove Jax from the shelter as he was too mean to both humans and other animals, and my heart sank. I couldn’t imagine him being so small and scared being back in the streets. I started to think: Is this a sign or should I just turn around?”

Despite what Fortier and her husband were told about Jax, he showed no signs of bad behavior toward them. In just a matter of minutes, he was curled up in their arms and showing how sweet he could be.

Nonetheless, adopting a former stray was a big decision, so Fortier wanted to sleep on it before returning to the shelter the next day.

“I really didn’t want to have another mean kitty, as our old cat wasn’t exactly friendly,” she said. “Hugo was great with us, but he hated everyone else. I didn’t want to go through that again, and I was still grieving Hugo, so my heart was fragile. I just didn’t know if I could take this again.

“I didn’t exactly sleep that night, diving into every cat forum and trying to figure out how to tame a wild kitty and fix a broken tail,” she said.

The shelter was running out of time, but it agreed to let Fortier foster Jax on a seven-day trial basis. She still had her reservations, but as soon as she left with him in her arms, she knew there was no way she could give up on him.

All her fears quickly dissipated when Jax settled into his new life immediately. Fortier said it was “clear he found his forever home.” He has continued to grow in confidence and is becoming even more playful with his new family.

“Despite his rough start, Jax turned out to be the sweetest, most affectionate little kitty we could have hoped for. He’s brought so much joy to our lives. We truly feel he was meant to be with us, and now he knows he’s safe and loved,” Fortier said.

It’s been a special experience for Fortier and her husband to rescue Jax and turn his fortunes around. Just days away from being released to the streets, he’s living his best life with his favorite humans.

Fortier shared his adoption story on Instagram, and the video has over 2 million views and more than 122,000 likes so far. Jax has certainly gained many doting fans since going viral, and Fortier is grateful for all the advice she’s received.

Social media users have been full of praise for Fortier and the loving bond she has formed with Jax already, leading to over 1,200 comments. One comment reads: “Thank you so much for saving him.”

Another Instagram user responded: “Awww, the trust he has in his human! Such a precious bond between them!”

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