A drink made from parsley. Excellent natural tea in 5 minutes

A drink made from parsley. An excellent natural tea in 5 minutes that saved me from many problems.
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A drink made from parsley. An excellent natural tea in 5 minutes. A simple and delicious beverage. Drink and enjoy! Delicious and easy to take!!! Not during pregnancy and breastfeeding!

Recipe and preparation:

Hello friends! Today we are preparing a useful decoction.

1 bunch of parsley.

This decoction has helped many people get rid of a big belly.

500 ml of water.

Heat it to a boil.

Of course, you should follow a diet. Strain and let it cool. I couldn’t wait, so I decided to cool it with freezer cubes. Eat more vegetables and fruits. The drink helps to improve metabolism. Enjoy your meal, friends!

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