A daughter’s unconditional love for her seemingly imperfect mother (Video)

How I felt.

I felt very happy, very fulfilled.

My pregnancy.

She was very calm, thank God.

There were some complications due to my situation, you know, my problem, but the pregnancy was uneventful and very peaceful, beautiful.

This here is Zaia, my princess, Edmilson, extraordinary.

He is incredible.

He is wonderful.

He helps me with everything with these Pines.

Seven months of it have been a rush, but it has been like this, the best months of my life.

It’s been wonderful.

Every moment with her is very incredible, very special.

She is very perfect.

My name is Karine.

I am judged on social media.

I cut off a daughter under these conditions.

The name of the problem I have is xerodestics.

It’s a rare disease, right, that affects one child in every million.

Right, this disease.

It limits us and prevents us from scratching in the sun or any type of light that transmits ultraviolet rays.

When I was three years old, I was diagnosed with xeroderno pigmentosum.

Every time I exclude myself from the sun, I’m subject to, you know, my skin showing these little spots that are skin cancer.

I have already had 219 surgeries, all to remove skin lesions.

Some images, others simpler, like this one of Kelly, when I found out that I was pregnant, that I was diagnosed with two nodules in my lung.

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