The recipe that saved my life 17 years ago: How I defeated a tumor in the liver and colon

17 years ago, I was diagnosed with tumors in the liver, colon, and uterus.

During the surgery to remove the uterus, my doctor alerted me to the high risk for the liver and colon.

However, he prescribed a recipe and suggested I follow it regularly.

I prepared and consumed the recipe regularly, and subsequent tests showed that the tumor no longer existed.

I escaped surgery and dangerous diseases, and today, I still use this remedy. I share the recipe with you.

Necessary ingredients:
  • 15 heads of garlic
  • 15 lemons
  • 500 g ground walnuts
  • 500 g ground hazelnuts
  • 500 g dried figs
  • 500 g dried plums
  • 500 g white grape raisins
  • 500 g red grape raisins
  • 500 g organic wheat
  • 1 kg homemade honey
Preparation method:

Wash the wheat with warm water 9 times, then let it soak overnight in the tenth water. The next day, filter and blend it.

Cut the figs and plums into small pieces. Squeeze the juice from 10 lemons and grind 5 lemons along with their peel.

Mix all the ingredients (peeled garlic) in a large bowl and homogenize with a wooden spoon.

Put on a glove (from the pharmacy) on your hands and mix the mixture well.

The mixture will have a dense consistency, similar to dough, and will last for about a month.

This web page provides informational content and cannot replace medical diagnosis or the leaflet of products.

It is important to always consult your doctor before making any decision regarding your health.

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