Man Changes a Kitty’s Life from Abandoned to the Most Spoiled Lap Cat!

This is Adventure! He had a very rough beginning to his life, but an act of kindness led him to a great human dad and a forever loving home.

David found Adventure inside a plastic bag one night. He brought him home, fed him and made sure he was safe and warm.

“So last night I found this guy in a plastic bag. This morning I’m thinking yeah he can definitely stay here with us,” he wrote at Instagram.

The day after the rescue, he took the kitty to the vet’s and they found out that he was merely six weeks old.

“Day 2 is a totally different kitten. Just been climbing on the book shelf doing his thing, ate loads of kitten food and been playing with his tail? I thought only dogs did that but Adventure, he breaks all the rules,” David added.

He demanded lap time from his first day home.

A little love and a comfortable home makes Adventure a very happy kitty!

Adventure is not a kitten anymore!

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