Starving dog found on desert island just days from death – traveler springs into action with only 48 hours to spare

Homeless dogs face incredibly tough lives, struggling to survive on the streets without anyone to care for or protect them.

At times, they find themselves in difficult situations, and with no one to look out for them, they must rely solely on themselves.

For Winston, he was already homeless and starving when he ended up in a situation that could have been his last.

Fortunately, a guardian angel appeared just in time to save him.


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Bài viết do Winstogram (@winston_bz) chia sẻ

Photographer Wesley White was in Belize, Central America, for a work trip when he stumbled upon Winston.

Amidst the stunning beauty of white sands and clear blue skies, there was so much for Wesley to capture through his lens.

Visited a remote island

A keen traveler decided to kayak from his hotel to a small, remote island, completely unaware of the discovery that awaited him.

He was searching for a good fishing spot, assuming he was all by himself.


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Bài viết do Winstogram (@winston_bz) chia sẻ

However, instead of solitude, he stumbled upon a starving puppy lying in an abandoned fishing shack.

The puppy was in such poor condition that Wesley knew he was near death.

“Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his tail wagging,” Wesley told The Dodo.

“My heart exploded out of my chest,” he said. “He was just waiting for a human to show up.”


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Bài viết do Winstogram (@winston_bz) chia sẻ

Knowing he had to act quickly, Wesley wrapped the puppy in a pair of swimming trunks and brought him back to the mainland.

With only two days left of his trip, Wesley worried about whether he could save the puppy in time.


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Bài viết do Winstogram (@winston_bz) chia sẻ

Fortunately, the hotel staff were very supportive, feeding the puppy and reaching out to a local vet.

“Winston was found to be infested with mites, emaciated and dehydrated, but otherwise his organs were healthy,” Wesley wrote on Instagram.


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Bài viết do Winstogram (@winston_bz) chia sẻ

Wesley spent his remaining days in Belize by Winston’s side. When it was time to return home to Montana, Wesley felt heartbroken.

“It was like giving up my little puppy all of a sudden,” Wesley said.


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Bài viết do Winstogram (@winston_bz) chia sẻ

Wesley returned home, while Winston was placed in foster care, but he couldn’t stop thinking about his four-legged companion and what would happen to him.

Determined to help, Wesley created a GoFundMe page to raise funds for Winston’s medical treatment.

Eventually, his rescuer managed to arrange a flight for Winston to the U.S., where he could live with Wesley and his two other dogs.

A month after Wesley left Belize and the puppy who had left such a big impact, they were finally reunited.

Wesley drove from Montana to Dallas, excited but nervous about whether Winston would remember him.


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Bài viết do Winstogram (@winston_bz) chia sẻ

His worries were unfounded, as a much healthier Winston ran up to him, full of energy, and immediately began licking his face.

It was a heartwarming reunion!

Despite the temperature difference between Montana and Belize, Winston doesn’t seem to mind, as he is surrounded by two other dogs and loving human parents.

Winston_bz via Instagram

Though we may never know how Winston ended up on that deserted island, we’re grateful that a kind-hearted person found and rescued him.

What a wonderful story!

Please share to honor the man who refused to turn away from a puppy in need.

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