Scientists Are Encouraging Parents To Keep Their Kids’ Baby Teeth

Do you remember your first baby tooth falling out? For some of us, it was frightening and painful, while others got a nice gift from the Tooth Fairy. Some parents keep their children’s teeth afterward. While keeping your kids’ teeth may sound strange, we’ve found a reason why it may be worth doing.


Keeping teeth for dental cells

There might be several grounds for a parent not to throw away a child’s fallen tooth. However, one reason to preserve it has a connection to the youngster’s future health. Scientists recommend keeping the teeth to later get dental stem cells out of them. Later on, these cells can even save the person’s life.

What are dental cells and how can we preserve them?

We all consist of tiny elementary parts called cells. Our body is built out of them the same way a house is constructed out of bricks. The cells are divided into 3 different groups and each of them carries a separate function. Stem cells are young cells which will later grow into one of these groups.

Blood cells grow and develop in a sponge-like part of the bone called bone marrow. Stem cells can be taken from teeth as well as other parts of the bone. Remember, teeth should be properly stored to become useful. Doctors and scientists use several kinds of technology to preserve and later produce stem cells.

How they can help

Stem cells can reproduce any other type of cells in your body. Therefore, they can replace the damaged ones. Research shows that stem cells can help to fight cancer. Studies are also being conducted to figure out the potential of stem cells when it comes to treating other diseases, e.g. heart infraction.

Remember that some studies might end unsuccessfully and you should be sure that the doctors in the clinic are real professionals. If you’re prescribed stem cell therapy, check with The International Society for Stem Cell Research to find out more about possible risks. They also provide a list of questions you should ask your doctor before beginning treatment.

Bonus: boost your child’s creativity with their own teeth.

You can keep your child’s teeth for them to use in science projects. Every future genius needs something to begin with! Experiment together with the influence that coffee, sugar or Coke has on the color and density of the tooth.

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