15+ People Who Had No Clue Whom Their Spouse Really Was

We often have the belief that our significant other is the person we know best in the world, but a single revelation can turn our world upside down and make us question our entire life with them. In the stories shared below, people uncovered shocking and chilling secrets about their partners, making them feel as though they had been living with a stranger they knew nothing about for all these years.

Story 1

I was pregnant when my husband passed away in a workplace accident. When I got his belongings, there were answering machine messages from someone thanking him for being so amazing. It made me feel proud of the good man he was.
Then, when I opened his computer, I was stunned to find emails and text messages from several women thanking him for dinner, etc. Suddenly, I felt a surge of anger at him that I could do nothing about. Everyone told me, “You can’t be mad at a dead person.” But it was confusing. © missymaypen / Reddit

Story 2

My wife of 18 years kissed me and went to work. I was sick and staying home that day when suddenly the doorbell rang. A woman at my door, dressed just like my wife, introduced herself as the wife of the man my wife had been having an affair with for three years.
She showed me receipts of shopping; this was how she had caught the affair. Her husband had been buying my wife the same clothing and jewelry he had been buying for his own wife.
I was devastated, and my whole world fell apart; I never suspected anything like this from her. I always thought she had been dressing more elegantly lately because of the raise she had gotten. We’ve been divorced ever since.

Story 3

He lied about being in another country, sending me old pictures and videos to maintain the lie, so he could invite his ex to live with him just ten minutes from my house. She had apparently been told they were soon to get engaged. © ThrowRA-olivesgrow / Reddit

Story 4

My ex played with a Ouija board, and I honestly think he got possessed. One night, I saw his face change, and it scared me so much that I broke up with him.
Years later, I looked him up and found out he went to prison. I found some court documents, and one stated he wasn’t himself because he had been taken over by an entity. It creeped me out! I’m sure he’s just crazy but seeing that on file was still extremely scary. © MinimumKind3501 / Reddit

Story 5

He had faked an entire degree and pretended to work in his fake field for over a year. He just sat on the computer all day, claiming he was working from home. © bassclap / Reddit

Story 6

He was married and had a son. I found a box of his wedding photos, and he tried to tell me that he, the groom holding the bride, was just the best man. I took the train home immediately. He also wasn’t 21; he was 30. © ConsistentAd3146 / Reddit

Story 7

It turns out she did not have cancer. It was all an attempt to gain sympathy from everyone around her, including me. Thankfully, I wised up before the wedding. © Jimmy_McAltPants / Reddit

Story 8

My ex lied to me about her age. It was during college; I was 24, and she claimed to be 26 (we weren’t dating at the time). When we started dating, a few odd things stood out that I ignored:
– Her senior pictures had an outdated 90s vibe.
– She never let me see her ID.
Eventually, curiosity got the best of me, and I googled her. It turned out she was actually 31. While the age difference itself wasn’t an issue, the fact that she lied about it definitely was. © Easy-Wish-2143 / Reddit

Story 9

She was stealing $500 a month from me for years while I struggled to pay our bills. I got suspicious when expensive packages kept arriving at the house, despite her not having a job.
It took me a while to catch on because I have memory issues from a TBI, but eventually, I figured out the math wasn’t adding up. © CharlizardPaints / Reddit

Story 10

I found his online profile seeking men on a dating app. I’m a woman, and we were in a heterosexual marriage. © Euphoric_Garbage1952 / Reddit

Story 11

After 18 years together and having two kids, he came out as trans. Or rather, I discovered it. There was so much drama. I’m so happy to be living separately now and in the process of getting a divorce. © yantzpants / Reddit

Story 12

I found out he was married. In fact, he actually managed to get married while we were together! He intentionally planned his wedding for when I was on vacation in Greece.
We lived a couple of hours away from each other, and he was a cop working shifts. I also worked shift work, so it was normal for us not to see each other for two weeks at a time. That’s how he was able to pull it off. But I tracked down his new wife and told her everything, complete with receipts for proof. © TaylorSplifftie / Reddit

Story 13

My wife, whom I thought was my best friend in a wonderful relationship for 13 years, sat me down and confessed she had been cheating on me with many people since the beginning of our relationship. That was a pretty big secret I would have loved to have known about 12.75 years earlier. © EdLeedskalnin / Reddit

Story 14

I found a letter from a bank we didn’t use, confirming that she had opened an account with a large portion of the family funds. © docentmark / Reddit

Story 15

I found out the man I’d been dating for two years had been on LGBTQ dating apps the entire time we were together. He referred to me as his “unaware GF.” It gutted me. © Theworldisonfire70 / Reddit

Story 16

I was cleaning out an old dresser when I found child support papers for an 8-year-old child I knew nothing about. © lilhotpocket93 / Reddit

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