I Had a Near-death Experience at the Beach! Why You Should Never Swim Near These Points!

Before your family beach trip, make sure to read this to avoid dangerous situations.

On July 15, 2023, I went for a solo swim that almost ended in disaster. I usually swim without anything to help me float, but this time, because the swim was long (6 kilometers), I tied an empty 5-liter can to myself to stay safe. People who lived nearby told me that no one had ever made it to the faraway, rocky point I was trying to reach, but I was excited about the challenge and the calm morning sea.

The swim out was easy, with gentle waves and a beautiful sunrise. When I got to the rocky point, I tied a rope to a rock to mark the spot and looked around. But on my way back, I made a big mistake. Instead of swimming straight back to shore, I tried to take a shorter route by swimming toward another rocky area. As I got closer to the beach, I got caught in a very strong current that pulled me away from the shore. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t swim back.

Because I had experience swimming in rivers and I had the can with me, I stayed calm and accepted the situation. I knew that panicking and trying too hard would only make things worse. So, I tried to save my energy and find a way to escape the strong current. Luckily, a fishing boat saw me and rescued me.

This scary experience taught me a lot about the dangers of strong currents, especially near rocky areas. Many people have died in similar situations because they didn’t understand how powerful these currents are. It’s important to be aware of your surroundings, know how to recognize strong currents, and always put safety first, even if you want to have an adventure.

I’m sharing my story to warn others about the risks of swimming in places you don’t know well. It’s important to respect the ocean and always swim with a friend and in areas that are safe for swimming.

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