Stray Kitten Steals Dog’s Bed After Rescue, Makes Clear Who’s Boss Now

Completely unaware of the hierarchy of the home, one rescue kitten came into her new house like she was the boss, causing quite a dilemma.

A recent video shared by Reddit user ParticularThen7354 to the subreddit r/babyanimals showed a dog and kitten going at it. The tiny orange kitty, who was recently found and rescued, waltzed into her new home as if she owned it. And she went after a spot in the house that was very much not hers: the dog bed.

The dog spotted her in his coveted spot, where she was lounging as if she owned it. Calmly, the dog tried to confront her and get her to leave. But she held her ground, scaring him off by putting up her tiny paws in protest.

The caption reads: “When you want your bed back, but the new kitten we found has taken over.”

The dog tried a few more times to reason with the kitty, but each time he jumped back in disappointment. The feline ultimately scared him off.

The owner wrote in the comments section that the dog “hasn’t accepted that he will have to share his favorite bed with the kitten.”

That will be a work in progress, like their friendship, but fortunately they are already becoming used to each other, the owner said, and finally accepting each other.

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