Woman s.h.o.c.k.e.d that her boyfriend of 12 years comes to her father’s funeral in basketball shorts

Attending a funeral is never fun, whether it’s for a close family member or just an acquaintance. Funerals also have a certain etiquette guests need to adhere to. A memorial service or a funeral usually includes eulogies, readings, and music in honor of the deceased. There’s a special dress code too – usually something dark and modest.

But not all people might be aware of it. Certainly not this dude, who showed up at his girlfriend’s father’s funeral in basketball shorts. He said he didn’t have time to dress up, but the girlfriend only felt more disappointed and insulted. The grieving woman went online to vent, and many netizens justified her anger, saying such attire is not appropriate for funerals.

Most people know that when attending a funeral, you should dress appropriately

Showing up to a funeral in basketball shorts

I’m so disappointed in my partner of 12 years. Yes, we’ve been dating for 12 years. No kids. Not married. All my choice and it’s all fine-ish. We’ve been having problems since Covid in 2020 and things just kept getting swept under the rugs.

Now in present day 2024 and my dad just passed away. My partner shows up to the funeral 15 minutes before it ends and comes in wearing basketball shorts!!! Looking like Adam Sandler!

I was so embarrassed and angry. I told him to wear something nice and even offered to go shopping together last week. I had to buy a dress because everything in my closet is too inappropriate. And it’s the last time I will ever see my dad so I want to be respectful and dress nice. I just wanted him to wear pants and a well fitted shirt.

It doesn’t have to be full on suit and tie. He said he ran out of time to get ready so he tried his best to look for clean clothes. I swear he didn’t even bother to shower even though he said he did.

He claims my dad was more of a father figure to him than his own dad ever was. So why couldn’t he put more efforts in a respectful outfit? And show up on time?

Literally everyone else stayed from beginning to end. Some family members even showed up before us.

This is it. I’m completely done and over him. I just want to be left alone now.

Most people were appalled at how the guy could be so inconsiderate toward his partner of 12 years

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